Monday, August 22, 2011

Superman goes to Kindergarten

I look back to the day Trey was born and I remember how sure I was that this day was never going to come. It seemed to be the distant future, and I guess it was back then. But isn't it funny how quickly the "distant future" creeps up on you?  Even though it feels like he is still my baby, I watch Trey grow and change daily. He is a consummate caretaker. He is always offering to "watch the kids" while I do something. He loves to help get everyone ready to go out (in case you are wondering, it is not easy getting 4 kids 5 and under out the door...I'm going to love trying to do it 5 days a week ;).

For the last several weeks Trey has been talking non-stop about Kindergarten. He wanted to know when he was going to start, who his teacher would be, what time I would pick him up, who would be in his class, and on and on. He was really excited for this. And today was the day! He woke up before his alarm (big surprise) and was extra cooperative as I tried to get everyone fed, dressed, groomed, and into the car on time. We actually made it a few minutes early and sat in the car line waiting for the teachers to come get the kids. While he waited, Trey talked to Grandma on the phone, excitedly telling her what he thought his day would be like.

He had a great day and told me all the nuances of being a kindergartner ("our hooks are at the end of the hall past all the other kids'," "we eat snack in a different part of the school," "we have to stay longer than the other kids, because we work harder"). He has gone to the same school since he was 2, but kindergarten is full of new adventures for him, and I am so glad that he is excited about it...even if it means the process of letting go has begun.

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