Friday, October 1, 2010

If you do not believe that God me!

Please check this out: You know what breaks my heart?

This is the link to someone's family blog. Someone I have never met. Another amazing person who was touched by Sasha's story. This was blogged before we committed to adopt Sasha. My e-mail inbox and my blog have been filled with comments from people I have never met: people who love my son just as much as I do.

I wish I could tell you just how much I experience God everyday, but you would have to be with me day in and day out to hear all of my phone conversations and read all of my e-mails. 

Sasha's story is bigger than just a another child who needs a home. Someone asked me last night, "knowing what we now know, that you were always intended to be Sasha's family, why do you think that He had to endure so much in his little life? Why couldn't it just have been a smooth road for him from the beginning?"
* What many of you do not know is that there was not only one family before us, there were 2! Sasha lost two families on 3 occassions!

I don't actually have the real answer (God's answer), but I speculate that it is because he is special :) If the road was easy, Sasha never would have touched so many hearts. People would not have had the opportunity to dig deeper into their hearts and be changed (myself included). I can name several people who are different today because of Sasha. God always ordained for him to have this purpose. I am just thankful that He counts us worthy to be this amazing child's family.

Thank you, Jessie for sharing this blog post with us.

1 comment:

jessie said...

you're welcome :)

thanks for saying "yes" to God. I can't wait to see some pictures of him with his new family! I will keep praying for all of you@