Friday, August 12, 2011

Sasha's heart

Today, Sasha had his heart cath done. The point was to check the pressure levels in his heart and lungs to be sure that open-heart surgery was a viable option for him. The prognosis is good! His pressure levels are slightly elevated, but nothing out of the realm of what the cardiologist expected to see. We checked in at 6:30am, he was in the cath lab by 8am, out before 10, and we were home just after 5pm. He has a large bruise and a puncture wound on his inner thigh where they used a vein to access his heart. Besides that and a tiny remnant from an IV in his hand, he is pretty much back to normal already. We have already been contacted by the surgeon who will complete his open-heart surgery. We are looking at scheduling it sometime in the next 3 weeks. It will require about a week in the hospital and a 6-week post-surgery recovery period. Prayers for our ability to keep this wild-man under wraps for 6 weeks would be appreciated!

"Hello? Mickey Mouse, is that you?"

"Maybe if I hide in the wardrobe they won't find me."

"Awww nuts!"

Post surgery grogginess
Sending lots of love and many thanks for all of the prayers for Sasha. He is a lucky boy to have so many who love him ;)


Crystal said...

He looks so different in the post surgery grogginess, it must be because he isn't smiling :). I think he and Kaylee may be related, they just look so much alike in the last picture.

Glad everything went well.

Koroviev said...

Best of luck to you all!

April said...

Praying Sasha will feel back to normal when he wakes up in the morning and that he will be willing to have a mellow day (lots of DVDs).

Barki's said...

glad it went well!! he is so stinkin cute, even in hospital garb!

carlyn said...

praise God it went well. but, 6 wks!! praying for you. pearl is having surgery in nov and we have a 4wk limited activity that i have been doing my best not to worry about. i'll start praying for y'all every time i have to stop and pray about pearl's surgery and recovery. which is a lot!!!

Emi said...

I'm praying for sweet Sasha!

Anonymous said...

He is soooo beautiful! Prayers for you all :)