Wednesday, August 3, 2011

"God doesn't call the equipped; He equips the called."

No doubt you have heard this cute little mantra before. Well, what do you think? I was having a discussion the other day with my friend and she said that she just didn't believe it. She didn't believe that everyone struggled as much as a parent as she does. She felt as though somehow others had it more "together" than she did. I did manage to control my hysterical laughter before we dug in to our conversation. But, I understand her feelings. Somedays you just don't feel good enough. Guess what? YOU'RE NOT!!!  Feel better now? Yeah, I thought not. But this is about truth. Truth is, you, me, and everyone else are in need of the Savior. If we were good enough, we wouldn't need Him.

Most days I feel like Gideon. The Holy Spirit is talking to me and I'm looking over my shoulder saying, "who me? I think you made a mistake". 

I had another friend tell me recently that, "it's fun to see what a chilled out person having 4 kids has made [me]". I wanted to point to the dark circles under my eyes and say, "it's called exhausted," but I didn't have the energy. But the reality is that my new "chilled out" personality is not because I am chilled out, not because I'm tired (okay maybe a little), but it's mostly because I'm not trying to tackle my life. What is the point? So many people claim to have surrendered their lives to Christ, but they fail to put it all on the table. They continue to hold tightly to their semblance of control. I have no control over my life. I admit it. And I am proud of it! 

I am a girl who in the past said, "I think it's great that people adopt children with special needs, but I couldn't do it." And God is laughing. I can see my life so clearly right now. I have peace in a way that I never dreamed possible. This is only the beginning of what God has for us. I really hope all of you will continue to follow along to see what the future holds. And be watching for my Wonderful Works post coming soon.

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