Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Love your heart!

Let me share with you the heart of my first born.

My mom has been in town for a few days now, and leading up to her visit Trey wanted to call her every day! He likes to make plans with our visitors before they come. This time though, none of his plans revolved around himself. They were all about me! I would overhear him on the phone saying things like, "let's lock her in her room, and you and me will watch the kids." or "I know! We can give her massages and make her take a bath." You can't imagine how good it feels to hear your 5 year old say those kinds of things. He not only said them, but then when Grandma came, he did them. The day she got here he was insistent that I spend the day in my room. He made me cookies, massaged my feet, brought me lunch in bed, helped take care of his brothers and sister, and has continually told me, "go take a nap, mom. Me and Grandma got it." I am so proud of his heart. I make no claims that we never suffer any of the usual 5 year-old drama. And there are even times when I get a sick-to-my-stomach feeling over his behavior. But, I see where his heart desires to be, and for that I am thankful.

Just some more funny stories:

Luke: "mom, when we get home can I have my cookies?"
Me: "no, when we get home it is nap time. But, after nap you can have some."
Luke: (angrily) "I'm gonna throw these in your face!"
Me: "Luke, it is not nice to talk that way. Remember that you should treat people how you want to be treated. You can hurt people with your words."
Luke: (as calm as ever) "Oh. Sorry, mom."

He went from extreme rage to super calm in 2 seconds. It was so strange!

Grandma: (to Trey)" We should try to make this recipe. Oh wait, you can't have peanuts."
Luke: "Grandma, we don't say peanuts!" 

Can you guess which word he thought she was saying? He calls it "peanuts" for some reason :)

Gary: (to Luke) "You have such nice hair. Someday you'll be bald like daddy."
Trey: "Yeah, and like Sasha."

I don't think my kids understand that he actually has hair it's just VERY light.

The joys of having kids far outweigh the struggles!


Crystal said...

That was hilarious. I love Luke's conversation about hair with Gary - too funny.

That is so sweet that Trey did that for you.

Katie said...