Monday, July 18, 2011

Ana: A Girl with Passion

I just think this picture is funny :)

American Girl!
If you met Ana, you would wonder why I am describing her as passionate. Most of the time she is a laid back "go with the flow" kind of girl. But there are times when you might wonder what in the world has gotten into her. I have talked a little about her feeding issues on this blog, and I don't want to harp on it (even though it is by far our biggest struggle with her right now), but I think you need to know a little more about those issues to understand her passion. Right now Ana finds her comfort in food. She likes us enough and likes to be held and cuddled, but she would drop us for a PB & J any day of the week. You can think I am exaggerating, but if you come visit us during a mealtime you will see the truth, firsthand. We joke that Ana turns into a 5-star athlete when food is around. Most of the day she is sluggish. We have to constantly make sure she is being engaged and she gets mad at us for doing so, but just start heading for the kitchen and Ana turns into Hussein Bolt! What does this have to do with passion. Ana's passion is food at the moment. We are hopeful that one day we will see her run to be with us, not just because she thinks we have food. We see her come alive for food. And unfortunately it brings about the majority of her smiles.

When Ana finds something that excites her, she screams uncontrollably!!! She screams for food, she screams in her crib (because apparently Disney World is NOT the happiest place on earth, but her crib is), she screams in the bathtub, she screams on the swing, and if she finds anything else that stirs her passion you will know it! She rarely just smiles. If she is happy, her WHOLE ENTIRE BODY gets in on the action. Her hands go to her face in an "I cannot control my joy" kind of way, she smiles, screams, and tenses her whole body. It's super cute, but it makes it hard for us to get good family pictures (having her picture taken apparently does not evoke happy feelings in her). We either get Ana staring into space or looking like she is having some sort of psychotic episode...there is no middle ground here.

The following series of pictures show just a glimpse of Ana's excitement...for a banana! (All of the pictures were taken in the 2 minutes it took me to feed her that banana. Most of them were in-between bites as she tried to contain herself until the next bite.)

In case you are wondering, it does hurt to know your child loves food more than you.


Sylvia said...

"We love because He first loved us."
I'm just sending a hug because I too know how it hurts when your child loves something more than you. Our little boy has been home more than 2 years now and slowly he loves more. love never fails!

April said...

A caretaker at the orphanage told us "Alyona loves to eat. Do NOT let her get fat!!!". She never had the enthusiasm that Ana has, but it was true, she did love to eat. Six months home and she is finally slowing down.

AddingOn said...

I feel your pain. Our older adopted daughter is 9, home 2 years and 4 months from Russia. She loooooves food. I warned the people who were taking care of her when we went to Ukraine. Guess what, she gained 8 pounds while we were gone, ugh!! Ana is so young, I'm sure this will change. My daughter now loves us, not only food and toys, it that helps you any!