Saturday, April 2, 2011

Updates from Ukraine

Hey everyone,

This is Melina, Lindsay's sister, posting on behalf of Gary and Lindsay. They have asked that I post an update since they are without internet access. I know this won't compare to Lindsay's avid blogging skills but here goes my best attempt:

First off when I spoke to Lindsay this morning it sounded as though she and Gary are keeping themselves very busy. It seems as though they have gotten quite a few opportunities to spend with Ana and Sasha and they are learning the ins and outs of the orphanage. That being said, I have learned that the orphanage has some, for lack of a better word, irritating rules. Gary and Lindsay can only see Ana and Sasha during visiting hours. They are limited in the activities they can do with the kids and are constantly monitored. Also, from the way the kids are dressed in the pictures I had assumed it was winter in the Ukraine (I'm oblivious to weather outside of Florida) but, in reality the orphanage stipulates how the kids are dressed which meant Ana had to wear a snow suit in 60 degree weather the other day. While I'm on the topic of clothes, for those of you who have been wondering, Sasha and Ana are both tiny little munchkins. Sasha wears a 2T and Ana a 3T.

Aside from a few hiccups, things seem to be going rather well but, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE continue to pray for them. They have not yet made it to the finish line and they are still half a world away from the other half of their family.

I plan on attaching some pictures that have been sent from Gary's phone but before I do (this will most likely be the part where I completely fail at blogging) I need to get some contact info out. Gary and Lindsay have been sending e-mail updates from Gary's phone. However, there have been some issues with some of the e-mail addresses. If you would like to be added to their e-mail list or need to get in contact with them feel free to e-mail:

Sending lots of love from Gary and Lindsay

Gary and Lindsay's Ukraine Neighborhood

City Life

Feeding Sasha

Sasha's Escape Plan

Ana Swinging

Momma, Ana & Sasha

Daddy and Sasha
Lindsay and Ana hugging

Apparently the only thing Ukraine has on America


Nan and Dan said...

they are beautiful!! praying you get internet soon! are there no internet cafes? or any wireless around? how about getting a usb modem?? that will work anywhere in the country!
good luck!

Maria and Family said...

So very happy to see you hugging your babies! I'm so happy to see Ana doing so well ! She is bigger then my taiya who at 5 ( came home from 20) is still in 18 months! Ana would have been the bigger /healthier sister ;) I am so very happy for Ana , Sasha and your family !

Emi said...

Glad to know they are fine! Your new nephew and niece are beautiful!

stfny said...

Thanks Melina for the update you did Great :) So happy to see the four of you together! You all look so Happy together!

Katie said...

Melina Did GReat