Friday, April 8, 2011


I know that my last blog post seemed a bit depressing, and the truth is that I was depressed when I wrote it. We have been here for 2 weeks, anxiously awaiting the good news of a court date, but when it came it was not surrounded by joy.

You get so far, and you feel like you are so close to bringing your children home only to have another mountain spring up between you and the finish line. Homesickness begins to take over, and then the tears come. The thought crosses your mind, "what if the judge says no". You begin to think about what a truly broken heart feels like, but you also weep for the possibility that your children might never know a family. Neither Sasha nor Ana would survive an institution for very long. Sasha's health would not hold up and Ana would give up. It's easy to forget God when it feels like you are being overtaken by grief.

I know this may all seem dramatic to you, I mean these are all "what ifs". I know that, but sometimes I am guilty of playing the "what if" game...I bet you are too :)

It took some time to regain my perspective, but I did. These are the truths in this situation:

1. God has carried us this far. There has not been one part of this adoption that we have done alone. And in His Word He promises to never forsake us.

2. The Lord loves Sasha and Ana more than we ever could.

3. Our purpose in this life is to glorify Him, and He will do everything possible to help us glorify His Name the way He sees fit.

We will be fasting a praying on Wednesday and into Thursday morning (of course, by the time you wake up on Thursday court should be over).

We are asking for boldness and courage before the judge. We are praying that we will be Spirit-filled, and we will not speak our own words, but instead be given the truths of God. We ask for the judges eyes and heart to be opened, for the sake of our children and those who will come after us.

Please join with us!


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