Friday, December 23, 2011

Cannot believe I am saying this...

...MY BABY IS 3!!!

We celebrated Luke's 3rd birthday last week (in an effort to spread the cake around: Luke Dec. 23rd, Jesus Dec. 25th, and Ana Jan. 4th). I can no longer say that I have any children who are chronologically 2 or under (so long free train rides at the zoo). It is hard to think that. It makes me sad, but I am watching him grow every day, and that makes me smile.

I remember back to the day he was born. As I labored, pushing a human being out of my body, I caught Gary out of the corner of my eye with a huge smile on his face. He told me after the fact that the very first thing he saw as Luke came into the world were his huge dimples. And it's true. Luke still has large dimples that are enough to make anyone smile. One of our nephews once told us, "Luke has holes in his cheeks".  He was named Luke because we were doing a study in the book of Luke when I got pregnant with him. His name means "light," and it is so fitting for this little ray of sunshine.

Here is my little 3 year old.

December 2008

December 2009

December 2010

December 2011

Ana thought we were doing "skidamarinka doo"

If you ask him his favorite part of his birthday the answer is, "ice cream". If you ask what else, he will say, "cupcakes". Forget presents! He asked Aunt Melina and Uncle Scott to send him ice cream for his birthday. Aunt Melina said she couldn't send ice cream in the mail. Luke asked, "can you send cake?"


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