Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy Groundhog's Day!!!!

My little groundhog popping out of his hole

Here are some of my favorite things my kids have said in the past day:

I told him he had crazy hair one day. He replied, "that's because I'm gonna be a drummer at Church of the Highlands". (The drummer at our church is affectionately known in our neighborhood as "the curly-haired drummer".)

While pretending that we were taking a trip, Trey packed a phone in his suitcase (a big phone, not a cell phone). I said that I thought we didn't need it because the hotel would have a phone, but he assured me that we would need it by saying, "I called the hotel, and they said they don't have one".

We built a tent, and he said we needed a fire in it to "toasty us up".

He refers to adults as "growing ups" (I think this is so he can be included in this category since he technically is growing up)

He told me that he was going to have an adventure at school tomorrow and he was going to fight the bad guy at school. I asked who the bad guy was, and he promptly gave me the name of a classmate whom he not so affectionately used to refer to as the "bad boy".

I love everything he says! These are his few words, and translations:
Mama - "mama" and "milk"
Dada -  "Dada"
Na-na - "I want that"
Tease - "Cheese" when he has a camera in his hands. He also does this big smile where he closes his eyes and scrunches up his face.
Awo - "hello" when holding a phone

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