Thursday, February 4, 2010

3 going on 30!

Adult-like attitude is creeping in on my 3 year old. Here are a few of my recent encounters with this ugly monster:

After telling Trey something he clearly didn't want to hear, he looked at me and said, "I'm walking away now"...and he did!  (Just as a side note: I don't do this! The only way that I can imagine that he came up with that is from me telling Luke to walk away from things when he is about to get into trouble - like touching the stereo or the blinds.)

That same night, Trey was having a hard time when bedtime rolled around (I think he was missing daddy). He was being painfully slow about eating his snack, because it would mean he had to brush his teeth and go to bed. I told him to hurry up, and he said, "you are really making me angry today!"

God help us!

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