Saturday, November 10, 2012

34 weeks and counting

This picture is horrible on MANY levels, but I figure most people just want to see the size of my shamu-esq belly, and this does the job.

I think I have officially reached "that point". You know the point in pregnancy where the end is looming and you can actually feel it. I am exhausted! In fact as I type this at 8:17pm my body is screaming that I should be in bed. We have had a lot of commotion in our lives lately. We just bought a house, and we moved in 2 weeks ago. I have puffy dark circles under my eyes and I am feeling the 3rd trimester drag...only it seems a little worse this time. I recently had a conversation with my doctor that went something like this:

Me: "I just feel really yucky the last few days."
Her: "You have 4 kids, you just moved, and you are 33 weeks pregnant. How do you think you should feel?"

Oh yeah.

I should be realistic here. I keep reminding myself that I should start thinking about getting a bag packed for the hospital, sterilize my bottles, pacis, etc, and make sure I have all items on my "baby list" purchased, cleaned, and in good working order. But each night when it occurs to me to do those things I choose my bed instead.

But on a positive note, at least I can choose my bed. In a few short weeks I will have no choice but to be up in the wee hours of the night. Ah, the conundrum point: wishing this pregnancy were over (miserable with my swollen feet, aching back, and drooping eyelids. Not to mention eager to meet Selah ;) and wishing it would never end (knowing full well the sleepless nights, endless diapers, and constant feedings that await us).


Katie said...

Remember, The sterilizing and organizing can be done after she is here. Rest cannot be gotten then... Love you and you are beautiful no matter how you feel.

Crystal said...

Aww, I miss you. It is good to see a picture of you and I agree with Katie, you are beautiful.

I hope that you will have the rest you need in the next few weeks.

The Davis Family said...

I vote you sleep. you're experienced enough to get what you need when you need it after she's here. BTW - I'm enjoying baby much more than the pregnancy. Mucho improvement by two months old here. Hope you get a sleeper!!!

carlyn said...

i love you and i am so glad to see a picture of you and that sweet baby belly! i didn't pack my bag with calvin until we were leaving to go the the hospital. as i was walking circles around the house and breath through contractions, i was grabbing stuff and putting it in a bag ;)