Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Changing hearts!

God gave us all our of our children for the sake of His glory. He knew that without them we would remain in our sin, in our selfish lives. Today Sasha underwent a massive open-heart surgery. I looked at his frail little 20 lb frame and thought about the fact that a team of doctors and nurses were about to stop his heart, hook him up to a bypass machine, attempt to repair the heart, and basically put him back together with a mended heart. I wasn't even in the hospital with him. Gary took him while I stayed with the other 3 kids and ran them to school, got them all fed and down for naps. I cried and prayed as I waited to hear any updates. I asked a friend to come over to keep me occupied while I waited.

Our prayer has always been for God to be glorified through this surgery. I didn't know how that would happen, but it did. After a 4 hour surgery we were not only told about the intricate details of the surgery (the closure of 3 holes - one they didn't even know existed, creating valves, removing his PA band, a blood transfusion, the insertion of a pacemaker, and so on), but we were also told about the way God was being glorified through our sweet boy. Our prayers were answered. Your prayers were answered. Not only is Sasha's heart changed for the better, so was everyone's that he came in contact with! Our sweet boy paraded around pre-op smiling, waving, and blowing kisses. Melting hearts, and calming the fears of other patients. After surgery we were told that he blew kisses to the whole OR and did not stop until they put him under! Post surgery, a nurse told Gary that she had called her husband and told him she was determined that we should be friends. They have 5 kids and are looking to adopt. They had talked about the possibility of a child with Ds, but it was not until meeting Sasha that she knew it was the right thing. Gary told her about Reece's Rainbow and left her with all the information she needed to get hooked :)


Sign outside the surgery waiting area. Thank you for lifting Sasha up to Jesus!!!
Our kids have the ability to make days brighter, smiles wider, and they open a door to share Jesus with somebody who needs Him. They are changing us everyday, and we are so grateful for them.


Koroviev said...

Wow, I was nervous there for a second. I read the caption "Thank you for lifting Sasha up to Jesus!!!" before reading the rest of the post, and thought something had happened to Sasha! <:<

Sylvia said...

Praising God.

Anonymous said...

That is amazing! All of it! :)) blessings and love...