Friday, June 24, 2011

You have your hands full!

When we go out in public as a family, we tend to get the same reactions from people. I have gotten good at spotting what I call "the approacher". There's always one. I'm not sure why people enjoy commenting on our family...I mean LOTS of people have 4 kids OR MORE!!!! The conversation starts the same nearly every time:
"Wow, you have your hands full!"

We have been asked if we have twins. 
We have been asked if we have triplets.
We have had a man with his 2 year old  son say, "I could just toss mine in and you wouldn't even know it."
We have had people ask if Ana has DS (yes, people do this. BTW nobody has EVER asked about Sasha, only Ana)
We are frequently asked how old our kids are.
But, by far the most common remark is the good ol' "hands full" comment. 

And I love my friend Jessica's response to it:
"Better than having them empty!"

Just ranting right now. What you really want is below. So here are pictures of the loves of my life...the sweeties that fill my hands and my heart.

Trey worked so hard to build this obstacle course for a ball. He loves to create things!

Luke came to me and said, "my booboo will get all better now, mommy".
I turned to find him like this...covered in Desitin!

You probably can't tell from the picture but his hair is wet. Both he and Ana thought that the water table=bath time! They kept dumping water on their heads.

He thought it was funny when Gary honked the we honked it all the way home!

She's dancing and loving it!

Mmmmmmmmm!!! BBQ for all!


Leah said...

too funny! so glad to see Sasha & Ana enjoying life.

Rochelle said...

LOL! I know...people always say, "Oh, you have your hands full!" Yes, yes I do! And I love it! Love the pictures..looks like a fun place that you visited!

Elk Grove, CA

Sherry White said...

If I had a dollar for everytime someone said that to me... there would be no more children listed on Reeces Rainbow, b/c I could fully fund them all! It shouldn't bother me, except that it seems to imply that I must be overwhelmed. And truly I'm not. Before we adopted our 3 littles (now 5 littles :) We had 4 older sons who were close in age, and we got all the same kind of comments. I've been hearing it for 18 years or so now. I sort of wish ppl could maybe come up with something new to say, is my point I guess. Anyhow! :) Bless you and your precious houseful. I "get it" completely! :) :)

anniep said...

Your family is SO precious and don't fret about the comments! I used to get the same thing and I only had 3! When my friend had her 4th people acted like it was her 14th! We are both teachers and we used to say you should see the other 20.

Katie said...

I used to get the questioning looks and the "You must have your hands full?" when I would tell people that I have 4. Now they just tell me that I am nuts. I know I don't have it nearly as tough as you since all my kids are "Normal". Such a word. No kid is normal. No person is normal. God created us all to be different. If we were all the same life would be boring. YOu have 4 very beautiful, happ, healthy children and that is all that matters. Don't let it get to you. THEY ARE ALL JUST JEALOUS because they can't do what you can.