Saturday, May 7, 2011

I know so many of you are eager to know what is going on over here and when we will be home. So I will do my best to answer what I imagine you are asking :)

Our kids are great, but they still reside in Baby House 1*. We were told that it would be wise to keep them there until we are ready to head to Kyiv. There are many reasons for this, just a few of which are: we currently have 7 people living in a tiny 2 bedroom place (Gary and I share a couch, with no room to spare), their little bellies are going to get a bit messed up with new foods, and we had a lot of running around to do in the beginning (much easier without little ones).

We are waiting on passports, which should be done in about 4 more days. We have train tickets for 4 to Kyiv on that same evening. We have an appointment at the embassy the following day and should be able to obtain our visas the day after that. The most exciting news is that we have booked 4 one way flights home for next weekend! :) Please pray that everything stays on course and we don't have to change our flights (a costly endeavor).

We have started trying to experiment with foods with the kids. So far we have tried bananas and flavored yogurt. Sasha did great with both. Ana ate about half of each thing. Sadly, she did not know how to bite or chew the banana! She caught on very quickly though. They are both struggling with the sippey cups. I have to take the valves out for them, and still Ana struggles. She mostly just lets it run out the sides of her mouth. If she keeps it in, she chokes on it.

Today Sasha almost made his escape plan a reality. He found a gap in the fence, and then he realized that his tiny little body might actually fit through it. SCORE! He had about half of his body through, with us watching and laughing all the way, when Gary decided to get a picture of him. Gary opened the walk-in gate to get on the outside to get his picture, and Sasha realized that that was a much easier route. He quickly pulled himself out of the gap and reached for the gate. But, alas, he was thwarted by mommy :(

He was also not so happy about me wiping his runny nose all day today, so when we went inside, he reached in my bag, pulled out a wipe, and "got me back" for all the nose wiping :)

As soon as we get to Kyiv we should have internet (Thursday), so I may be able to be in touch at that point.

If you need us before then:


*Baby House 1 is a good orphanage, by orphanage standards. There are many kind and loving nannies there. This is why we don't hesitate to keep our kids there for a few more days :)

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