Monday, March 14, 2011

Crying... a baby! I actually stopped for a minute to think about all of this. We are leaving in like 10 and 1/2 days!!! My emotions are everywhere. I am so excited, and so scared, and so heartbroken all at the same time. I'm excited beyond belief to meet our son. I'm scared of all that awaits us, and I am heartbroken about leaving my precious boys. I have spent almost every waking minute with them up until this point in their lives. And I truly enjoy it. I can't wait to get Sasha here share in all of his life moments, too. And to add another emotion to all of this, I'm now angry that I am wiping mascara all over my laptop :) Here is a little peek into what awaits us as we meet our sweet boy.

"Sasha was up to his usual antics and was as charming as ever. It's definitely Sasha that makes himself known in the groupa, that boy loves attention and knows how to get it." June 9, 2010


Emi said...

I just saw at RR the news about baby Anna! I was so sad when she lost her family, but now I see you found her and she will be coming home with Sasha I'm overflowing with joy! She's such a doll. I remember reading about her bio mother visiting her and my heart broke for the two of them. Congratulations on your newest addition!

Rochelle said...

So excited for you guys to be getting both Sasha and Anna! Praying for you as you travel to get them and for a smooth completion of this part of the journey!