Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Life Lesson: Good-bye.

Why is good-bye so hard? Trey and I have had to deal with this tough lesson twice in one week. Let me share with you the cute before we get to the sad. 

Trey played out in the rain one day with one of my tupperware containers. He filled it with water, placed the lid on and brought it to me saying, "look at my fish, mommy". I thought it was cute, but when he went to bed that night I emptied the container, washed it out, and put it away. The next morning he found the empty container and brought it to me with the saddest face he could muster and said, "Mommy, my fish is so sad because he doesn't have any water!" So of course, I decided he needed a real fish. And then, it wouldn't be fair if Luke didn't have one.  Here is a picture of Goldfish and Marlin (those are their names). 

Well, apparently I don't know how to care for fish. We cleaned the bowl, and the clean water I put in must have been too cold because within an hour they both died. Poor Trey cried on my shoulder for about five minutes. Through his tears he said, "now we have fish food but no fish to feed". I promised that I would learn how to properly care for fish THEN we would get more.

We have also had to say good-bye to our friends. If you read my blog at all you know Jamie, Brian, Brandon and Maya. Brandon was Trey's first best friend. They were inseparable for the last 3 years. Maya is my adopted girl. She is sweet, smart and SO adorable. And Jamie was my go-to friend. She and I had crazy adventures in parenting together; we think alike and act alike, but as it happens in life, good-bye had to come eventually. The Barki family has moved to Tulsa. We are so excited for their new adventure, but selfishly heart-broken. When it was time to say good-bye, I couldn't hold back the tears. I'm just so thankful that God brought them into our lives!


Harris, Katie and Tucker Rhodes said...

Aww- I am so sad to hear about Goldfish and Marlin! You'll have to give me tips before we invest in our Dorothy.

Love the pictures you have of all the kids playing!! We hated to miss but know you guys wouldn't have wanted our yucky germs! :)

Barki's said...

ok, seriously can you stop making me cry??? we got here and i'm getting a lot unpacked. brandon's room is not cool like i envisioned, so it needs work. and they called today to say our mattresses aren't coming anytime soon. so i went out and bought new mattresses rom another place so brandon will have his big boy bed on time. i'll let you know how it goes.

movers/moving went great! AND brian looked and i think you will drive right through tulsa on your way to denver, so you should definitely drive next time and not fly! miss you, call me soon. i've used gps so much on my phone that the battery only makes it through half the day. have you ever had such a long comment? LOVE YOU