Friday, June 18, 2010


Fathers come in all shapes and sizes. They are funny, stern, happy and sad. They provide discipline and instruction. They are role models and playmates. They make mistakes.

I know that my dad made a lot of mistakes when I was a kid. I've seen Gary make a few too. I'm sure they are both thanking me profusely under their breath right now for posting this. But the point of my post will be this: "love covers over all wrongs" (Proverbs 10:12). I used to read that passage thinking only that it meant that if you love someone you will overlook their mistakes (instead of saving them as ammo for the next fight :). But then I began rereading 1 Corinthians 13 (you know the famous "love is patient, love is kind..." etc.). Paul talks about love as though it is the only pure and perfect thing. He then says, "but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears" (13:10). He is talking, of course, of the perfection of Christ and his return. But, isn't it true that when pure love is present, "the imperfect disappears"? 

The mistakes that my dad made pale in comparison to the love that he gave. The same is true of Gary. He loves me and his boys probably more than he should. Trey and Luke don't even notice the mistakes, because both they and Gary have covered over them with love. 

Mother's day is highly celebrated (and I am thankful for that :). But father's day usually receives a less glamorous welcome. I think we sometimes forget that daddies don't pour out any less love than mommies. Most of them work very hard and shoulder the stress of providing for their families. I can speak personally about my husband who is a friend and a father to our boys, but is also my strong shoulder when I feel like I can't carry my load anymore. He carries his own burdens and picks up mine when I need a rest. I think of my brother who said, "come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28) Gary is my sanctuary in the flesh. Thank you, Gary. I love you! 

Happy Father's Day to all of the daddies (and especially the Father of all who shoulders ALL of our burdens).

At the end of the day, the boys always cuddle together on the couch to watch Caillou before bed. Luke HAS to have a pillow on his particular.

1 comment:

carlyn said...

very cute picture of your 3 boys!!!