Thursday, April 8, 2010

Well, Sunday soccer has started up again. Trey is on the red team this season, and he is loving it! Last season it took him all season to feel comfortable enough to get into the game without one of us running along side him. This season he is an old pro. He knows just what to do, and is having a blast doing it. During his first game I came to realize what an obsessed parent I am. No joke, there were points when I was on the field screaming (in a good way...I was screaming encouragement to all of our team members, but screaming nonetheless). 

This is Sunday soccer for those of you unfamiliar with the experience. A whole mess of kids, with a whole mess of parents set on getting their kids to focus on what they are supposed to be doing.

I could have cropped this picture, but I actually love seeing the dad on the field trying to convince his son to play the game. It brings back a flood of memories (we actually had to "play" with Trey last year for him to get on the field) :) 

We have had pool weather lately... unfortunately our pool isn't open yet :( I had to improvise and pull the "sprinkle" out. The boys LOVED it!!! Luke played in it until he was shivering so bad that I had to pull him out and wrap him up in a towel. 

Luke has become obsessed with airplanes just like his big brother. Every time he sees one in the sky he points and does his little noise that means "look at that". He sees them way before anyone else, too. He loves to push things around the house, so Nana bought him one of those popcorn poppers to push around and annoy us (just kidding, Nana :) He says a few words, "mo" (more and milk), "dis" (this), "shoes", "duh" (duck), "desus" (Jesus), "puh" (up) and of course, "mama" and "dada". He doesn't always use them, but we are trying to push him to use them more frequently. He has become a time-out pro. He sits so quietly and patiently in his time-out spot, which he visits on a daily basis. He has a severe hitting problem, and every whack finds him in time-out. He is looking more and more like Trey, as I'm sure you can see. 

Trey is a little junk collector. Anything he finds, he wants to keep. Here are just a few things he has in his room at this moment: an empty cake mix box, a band-aid wrapper (yes, seriously), a piece of newspaper rolled up and stuck together with a sticker, sticks, a big leaf from the park, and some random pieces of brown construction paper. That was a short list. He also likes to give junk as gifts. Every time Gary goes out of town he returns to find some gift from Trey waiting on the dining room table for him. Sometimes it is a picture he drew and then cut into pieces, sometimes it is the newspaper that he has cut up, sometimes it is a rock; it's always a surprise. So if you ever receive junk from Trey, you should feel very honored, because he holds it in very high regard. This is partially why I believe that kids don't need toys. Here is a video that also illustrates this point. This is how fun bathtime can be with only a cup.


carlyn said...

i would like to see you going crazy at a soccer game!! we may have to come watch :)

Unknown said...

Those are some cute pics of the boys in the sprinkler! We'd love a walk with you guys when the pollen count goes down!