Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy 1/2, Luke!

Luke is officially one half today (but he is a WHOLE lot of fun - sorry, I couldn't resist). He is sitting up a little bit better everyday. He has developed a slight little temper. He doesn't really throw fits per say, but he makes it known when he wants something. He usually wants whatever Trey has, and wants to do whatever Trey is doing. He will throw himself backward against us in his efforts to get where he wants to be. We went to the pool the other day and he got so frustrated because he didn't want the toys we brought for him to play with; he wanted Trey's floaties instead. He practically leapt out of my arms and grabbed hold. He actually held on so tight that when Trey went to pull away the swimmie came off! He's getting a little bit clingy lately; I'm thinking he is hitting his first separation anxiety phase (Trey had about 10!). He is cutting teeth too, which makes things a little rough as well. We can see his two bottom teeth underneath his gums, and one has begun to make it's appearance. Luke can stand for a long time as long as he has something to hold on to. I actually think he stands better than he sits (if this is any indication of what is to come, we are in for some fun!) He drinks from a sippey cup now, and is starting to show preferences for things (like Trey's guitar :). He weighs in over 16 lbs and is near 27 inches. Mostly he is just a happy, healthy little boy. 

playing guitar like big brother

Trey is still a ball of fun. His new thing is wanting to grow up. He continually asks me about different things wanting to know what will make him "bigger". He says things like, "Mommy, does yogurt make me bigger?" On the way home from the grocery store last week he said, "when we get home, I want a healthy snack". Later that same day he said he was hungry and I asked if he wanted a bowl of vegetables and he said, "sure!" !!?!?!?!?!?!?!? He still says he wants to be a pilot when he grows up, which is, I think, why he is in such a rush to do so. He loves the pool and loves to pretend. Here is a picture of him pretending to be Abraham on his long journey to a new land (notice little Isaac under the tent as well :) 

He is starting to understand God a little better, I think. For awhile he used to not like praying and he had been known to say that God scared him. Now he says things like, "God helped me" and "God healed my booboo". He doesn't resist praying anymore, and he even says prayers by himself at mealtimes (of course they are the same every time, but it's a good start). He is learning to write his letters, and doing quite well. 

Showing daddy how he can use the touchpad on mommy's laptop

I love my boys and my SUPER hubby! We had a fantastic father's day. We kept it cheap, but still had fun. We made shirts for Daddy and the boys to wear. We painted rocks for daddy that said, "you rock, daddy". And we made a family coat of arms decorated with things about daddy. We also had an Indian food feast for lunch followed by a guitar hero jam session. It was great!!! Thanks for being such a fabulous daddy, Gary!!!!


Harris, Katie and Tucker Rhodes said...

Happy 1/2 year, Luke!!! He is growing up so quickly!!!

Unknown said...

Those are such cute pictures!