Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Growing up

Trey is becoming very independent and very grown up. Aside from doing the dishes, washing his hands, brushing his teeth, and going potty all by himself, he has found an array of new talents. My friend, Jamie, recently posted on her blog about how Brandon colored inside the lines for the first time (for those of you without 3 year olds, that is a BIG accomplishment). I thought that was pretty cool, and then two days ago Trey walked up to me with his magna-doodle and showed me a picture he drew of me. I was shocked! It actually looked like a person!!! I had to ask Gary if he helped, but he didn't. Here is a picture of me!

I seem to think that every stage he goes through is the most amazing; right now I'm sure that this is the best. Even though he tests boundaries daily, and has even been known to outsmart us, it's incredible to watch him grow and learn. We had playgroup at our house last week and I couldn't help but smile to watch Trey with his friends. They all shared so well. I often heard Trey say, "yes, you may" in response to his friends' polite requests to play with his toys. Trey, Katie, and Brandon all held hands and walked around the house together. Very cute! The other day I tried to trick Trey and Brandon into eating squash by telling them that we were going to play a game and see who could eat their squash first. I asked who was going to win, and Trey said, "not me". Darn! Another mommy trick out the window.

Trey and Brandon did this puzzle mostly by themselves

Trey also recently earned a special treat. He worked really hard and helped out with chores around the house. We made a chore chart and once he filled it he got to go and buy a toy that he wanted. We made him "pay" for the toy with his chore chart so that he could make the connection between working hard and earning things. As soon as that last sticker went on the chart he wanted to leave immediately and go to Target. He told Gary, who was in the middle of typing some e-mails, "come on, daddy. We are leaving without you".

Luke is beginning to sit up unassisted. He is still so happy! He has begun to "play" with Trey. When we go on walks Trey will face him in the stroller and play with toys with him or just talk to him, and Luke laughs harder than I have ever heard him. I struggle to nurse Luke during the day because Trey hangs onto the arm of the rocking chair and talks to Luke who pays attention to him instead of eating. Luke still wakes up at night, because he's hungry because he barely eats during the day. He chooses playing over eating. 


Melina said...

I have no idea what Trey is saying but the video is so cute. I couldn't stop watching it.

Rachel said...

That picture of you is great! Looks just like you:) They are both getting so big and Brandon too! Tell Jamie to send me her blog info I would love to see them more.