Thursday, May 28, 2009

Aunt Me, dishes, and rolling

My newly-married sister came to visit for the holiday weekend with her husband (actually they used our house as a meeting place because they are both in the military and don't live together yet-hopefully that will happen soon). Trey LOVED Aunt Melina (or Aunt Me as he used to call her). Poor Melina heard a rousing chorus of  "play with me" the whole time she was here. Here are some pics of their t-ball game in the front yard:

Trey has also found a new hobby: playing in the sink. He finds about 25 excuses a day to have to wash his hands. And he is ecstatic if I let him "do the dishes". Today I told him he could do the dishes while I put groceries away and HE THANKED ME. Please God, let it always be this easy :)

Luke is officially rolling nonstop now. He had done it a few times before, but wasn't so into it. Now we can't set him down without him finding his way onto his belly within a few seconds. He has gone belly to back a few times but he has to be in the right position to figure it out.

Let's play "you know your husband travels too much when..."
1. The valet parking attendant at the airport knows him by name
2. He knows his credit card number AND frequent flyer numbers by heart
3. He no longer needs to take a GPS when he travels
4. Your sister calls and says that she ate at a really great restaurant in New Mexico and he says, "oh yeah, I've been there"
5. He knows the Southwest airline schedule
6. He can tell you about all the restaurants inside any major airport
7. See the scenario below

Gary and I went to bed last night and turned on the T.V. A Gerber commercial came on and Gary leaned over and said, "the Gerber baby served me breakfast in Louisville." WHAT?!?!? The words all made sense to me, but not together. He explained that the Gerber baby was now about 60 years old and he was a millionaire, but he worked as a waiter just for something to do. And Gary happened to eat at the restaurant where he worked. SERIOUSLY! But, it gets better...the show we were watching on the discovery channel comes on right after that commercial. It was something about an ostrich farm. Gary looks at the T.V. and then at me. He says, "I drove past that ostrich farm before. It's right on the side of the freeway driving from Phoenix to Tucson". He says this by the way just at first glance of the ostrich farm. Where it was hadn't been mentioned at that point. It was crazy! He is "that guy". The one who has been everywhere and done everything. It makes me laugh sometimes. Please continue praying for his safe travels. Thank you.

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