Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ring Bearer

Here is a video of Trey dancing the night away at Aunt Melina's wedding. Luckily, he has a smart Daddy who packed him PJs for the long night (although it was probably nanny's idea). It's a little hard to see because it was so dark, but you should be able to get the idea.

We have had a crazy few weeks!!! We spent the first two weeks of the month in Michigan. Our main reason for the trip was my sister's wedding. We had a lot of fun. Trey was the ring bearer, which was interesting. He did great during the rehearsal, but his shy little personality surfaced during the actual wedding. Gary sat in one of the back pews of the chapel so that he could take Luke out if he got fussy. Trey started sown the aisle and then caught sight of Gary. He got 2 steps past Gary and then stopped dead. He looked back and forth between Gary and the alter - clearly making a choice about what he was going to do. Daddy won and Trey turned and started to head back toward him. I had to go down the aisle and get him (his pillow actually had the rings tied to it). Fortunately Grandma was waiting in the front pew with skittles in her pocket, so he sat and munched happily until the ceremony was over. After that, Trey turned into a party animal during the reception. He started to fall asleep until the cake was served. As soon as that cake was placed in front of him he miraculously woke up and was ready to party. He ate about two bites of cake and then asked to dance with Grandma. He danced the WHOLE night! He did not want to leave either (and we stayed pretty much until it was over - we left at like 11pm!).  He also developed his first little crush on my sister-in-law. All night he kept asking, "where'd Aunt Rachel go?" If I said I didn't know, he would say, "well, let's go find her". We had to track her down for one last dance before we could leave. And then the next day my parents had a BBQ and he followed her around all day. He was so sad when she had to leave to go back to North Carolina. Unfortunately, her and my brother, Gavin, flew in the day of the wedding and had the leave the next. Gavin just left for Afghanistan on friday so prayers for his safety would be greatly appreciated.

Trey with Grandpa, patiently waiting to walk down the aisle

Fumbling the pillow

Gary's mom being an angel, with Luke the trooper

Enjoying our big night of partying!

Melina, my beautiful sister!!!

We spent the week after the wedding hanging out with Gary's family. Nanny bought Trey a neat little chef's costume, and he spent a lot of time wearing that and pretending to bake cookies. He also spent a lot of time outside: He helped my parents do some landscaping, learned how to start the 4-wheeler (thanks for that, Dad!), rode around on the tractor, played on the swing set, went to Dairy Queen and got the only thing he can eat off the menu (a slushie), and saw the ducks and geese at the mill pond. 

Trey the chef

I have said an awful lot about Trey and nothing about Luke. So let me just say that Luke was a trooper. He stayed out all night for Aunt Melina's wedding, was fed in way too many bathroom stalls while we were gone, got moved around from place to place and passed from person to person, and managed to stay relatively happy the whole time- even though he is teething! He rolled over while we were at my parent's house, but isn't really a fan. He can support his own weight in a standing position for a sufficient amount of time already, which seems incredible to me. Mostly, he is just content as long as he can be social. He has also discovered his feet...he loves chewing on them.

On our way home, we stopped in Indianapolis for a night to break up our trip. We took the kids to the Children's museum, and they both had a good time. I reccomend it if you are ever in Indy. Here are a TON of pictures from our adventures :

Trey, the race car driver

Shoveling Rocks

On the Carousel with Daddy

Luke the digger driver!

1 comment:

Barki's said...

i love him dancing! He looks so handsome all dressed up! looks like you had a great time, but we are glad you are back :) let's hang out soon!