Thursday, February 19, 2009

The joys of boys

Trey has finally learned to ride his bike all by himself!!! We have tried and tried to get him to pedal on his own since he got the bike almost a year ago. He simply didn't want to. He was content just pushing himself around with his feet on the ground until last weekend when I pulled my bike out and told him we could go for a bike ride together if he could pedal. That's all it took. In about 5 minutes he had it all figured out. I got the camera out so I could video it. Here is a clip. (by the way, if you are trying to figure out what he is saying, it's "puma" - which he got from Go, Diego, Go!)


And wouldn't you know it...right after I put the camera away, he decided to go downhill no handed! I asked him who taught him to do that and he replied, "nobody teach me how, mommy". I guess little boys just figure out ways to make things more dangerous all on their own.

Trey is growing up so fast. He has started trying to work his way into adult conversations. He will look at me and say, "what you talking 'bout, mommy?" That is also what he says when he is pretending he doesn't understand what I'm telling him...nice try. 

Luke is a super smiley little boy. He has an internal alarm clock that makes him wake up every morning around 6. I don't mind because he is so happy when he wakes up (plus he goes to bed around 6:30pm). He is doing better, but when he gets overtired he fights sleep with every fiber of his being. I can already see the differences in my boys' personalities. Trey has always been a snuggler, but Luke wants to face outward and see the world. He is the happiest when he is laying (or is it lying?) on the living room floor watching everything happen around him. I have a video of him cooing and smiling, but I can't get it to load right now, so check back in the next post. Right now, he mostly eats, sleeps, poops, smiles and cries. I think Trey wants him to do more though. The other day, after watching a video of my friend's baby, Maya, roll over, Trey looked at Luke on the floor and said, "Baby Luke, roll over!". WAY too cute!!!! 


1 comment:

Barki's said...

YAY Trey, way to go! I love the shirts too, very cute!