Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Victory Day!

Ukraine is a country of holidays (and gifts). I think we would be home at least 2 days sooner if it wasn't for all these holidays.

Today is Victory Day, the day the Germans surrendered to the Soviets in WWII. There are lots of people having picnics in the "park" (I don't even know what else to call the area), the orphanage is full of parents and grandparents visiting their children, and we were told there will be fireworks later.

Our kids are still doing great, just one more day of visitation before we grab them for life ;) I think us being gone for a few weeks was good for Sasha (from our vantage point). It didn't feel like he was attaching last time we were here. It felt more like we were handed an uncaged lion and told, "good luck". He whined when he didn't get his way, tried everything to get into trouble, and never seemed to mind when we took him back to his groupa. But now, he just wants to be with us. He doesn't care if we are just sitting down outside or playing. He doesn't really try to misbehave any more, and he rarely crys. The most crying he does is when we take him back to the groupa. He scrunches himself up into a ball so that we cannot change his clothes, cries, and makes his body go limp when we try to put him in the room. It makes me sad to leave him but so happy that he wants to be with us.

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