Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Happy 6th Birthday Trey!!!

As my crazy-haired little boy blows out his birthday candle on his red velvet cupcake, my mind can't help but wander down memory lane...

..."I'm so sorry to tell you this, but your pregnancy isn't viable. You will miscarry. We have scheduled you an appointment with your OB for tomorrow to discuss your options." The words felt like a boulder crashing into my chest. I sucked in the little air I could manage before my desperate attempt to hold back the tears was foiled. Two babies in just a few months time. Two babies stolen from me...

..."Well, it's a very good thing that you did not have that procedure. This is a picture of your baby, and right here you can see your baby's heartbeat," the ultrasound tech pointed to the monitor and yet again it felt like the air had gone from the room. But this time, I wasn't searching for oxygen or trying to hold back the tears. Gary and I both let them flow freely as we continued to stare at our baby and listen to the rhythmic and wondrous sound of his heartbeat.

..."MY WATER BROKE!!! GET OUT OF BED!!!" Think, Lindsay, think. Okay call the hospital let them know you are coming. "Yes, I just wanted to let you know that my water broke and so I am coming in to have a baby." 
"How far along are you? Oh, just 36 weeks. Well, you can come in and bring your bag with you just in case you really are in labor." 

..."I'M GOING TO DIE!!!" 
" You are not going to die, Lindsay. Just one more big push. He's right there. You can do it."

...Into the world he came all 5lbs 7oz of him. Early, but healthy. Refusing to eat, but content to just be held. The little boy who would put an unquenchable craving for Christ into my heart. The little boy who would teach me what it meant to be selfless. The angel who would later whisper, "we will be his family" into my ear as his heart broke just like mine for an orphan on the other side of the globe. The child who reminds me daily that the words of God are truth, not just good advice. 

And here we are 6 years later. Some days I still see that tiny little baby and other days I find it hard to believe that he is only 6. Sometimes he still needs to be held by mommy and daddy for comfort, but other days I look and I see the 3rd adult in our family.  He is growing and changing before our eyes. He is learning lesson daily and teaching us more than he knows.


Making big brother's birthday cupcakes

Go Blazers!!! Trey and Luke are "on the bench" in between quarters ;)

Pretending we are not singing to him

Trey and Anna sharing their birthday celebration like the good friends they are

Beach baby! I swear this kid was born to live at the beach.

Never without a basketball

All ready for the game. Trey has been to 4 Blazer games this season, and he is well outfitted for them. His wardrobe is complete with 2 jerseys, 2 Blazers T-shirts, A Blazers hat, 2 NBA headbands, and even a shooting sleeve (see picture above with him and Lukey together).

Hoping the next 6 years go a little slower :)


Crystal said...

What a beautiful post, made me cry.


The Davis Family said...

I second Crystal! And I loved getting to know a little bit more about you pre-Oregon. :-) Can't believe our babies are getting so big. Thank you for letting Anna share his special day!