Monday, February 7, 2011

What a Month!

So far, February is shaping up to be interesting to say the least. Here are just a few of our adventures from the month:

I called a certain state (not the one I live in), and asked about the status of a document that I sent them to apostille. They received the document on the 18th of January (I know because I tracked it). As of February 1st, they were still working on documents received on the 6th of January! Meanwhile my documents from the state of Alabama were turned around to me in 1 day!!! So, I was waiting for one piece of paper to mail the dossier. How frustrating! Super huge thanks to my mom and my in-laws, not to mention Pam from our mortgage company. Pam had the foresight to give us two originals of the document. I overnighted the second one to my in-law's house, where my mom picked it up and drove it to the capital to have it apostilled and then overnighted it back to me. What a mom!

Lukey had surgery to remove what we thought was a cyst on the side of his face. It turned out not to be, but it was sent off to the lab for a biopsy. He did great! He never cried while I was around. He says he cried when they took him back, but there was no visible evidence of that. By the afternoon he was back to normal.

A few hours post-surgery
I had some tooth pain, and went to the dentist. Turns out one of my fillings is separating from my tooth. I have to have a crown put on. And on Friday I had a root canal...super fun!

A few hours after my root canal we went to visit Aunt Melina and Uncle Scott down in Florida. We had so much fun! Aunt Melina and Uncle Scott took Trey and Luke to the AF Armament Museum so we could have a date. Gary and I drove all the way to a dive bar called the Red Bar in Grayton Beach. We love their seafood and key lime pie, unfortunately we were too stuffed for pie. Trey had a blast at the beach (even though it wasn't all that warm). Luke loved saying, "Uncle Scott" over and over again (we are still hearing that randomly throughout the day), and Aunt Melina let him use a little stuffed giraffe that he named Michael Hayhay. He woke up this morning asking for Michael Hayhay :) Thanks, guys for a super fun weekend getaway (and for taking us to yummy Thai Town...I'm dreaming about the next time I get to eat that spicy, delicious meal :)


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