Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Caution! God at work.

I feel like I cannot do justice to the miracles that are happening around us everyday, but I'm going to continue trying because the world needs to know. 

Last week, we were scheduled to have our homestudy visit from our APAC (DHR) social worker. We discovered just five minutes before she showed up at our door that our paperwork had been received and we were the committed family for Sasha. So this was about to be an awkward meeting. We invited her in and said that we had a story to share with her. We told her our story and apologized PROFUSELY!!! Surprisingly, she was really happy for us and very supportive. She even mentioned that APAC had a private sector. She put us in touch with their private social worker. DHR will hand our ENTIRE file over to her, meaning we do NOT have to start from scratch. PLUS, she is only going to charge us $1000 vs the $1800 that our other social worker was going to charge! This means that the last 3 months of classes and paperwork overload have not been for nothing. Again, God knew what He was doing (as if we could doubt).

Yesterday, we also had friends step forward and donate $1000 toward bringing Sasha home. I had told her my homestudy story as a testimony to God's faithfulness. She never told her husband this story, but he knew of our journey with Sasha. He was apparently so touched by it, it kept him up in the middle of the night. He told his wife the next day, "I think we should give them $1000". She cried because she knew this was EXACTLY how much we needed for the homestudy. She is certain that God gave her husband this number as just another revelation of His hand in all of this. I think she's right. 

I just hope and pray that we do not get in the middle of His plans and mess them up by trying to control things.



Crystal said...

I love stories like that. God is awesome. I have been so amazed at how the money is coming together for our own adoption. I can't wait to testify to people that, yes, adoption is expensive, but God will bring the money, and it is definitely worth every little sweat and tear.

Jenny R said...

That is amazing! I am so glad Sasha will have a family. He is the cutest little guy ever!

Rachel said...

Awesome story! I'm excited for you guys! and pray Sasha comes home to you soon.