Saturday, July 2, 2011

Before and After

I know that our kids have only been home for 6 weeks, and it seems a little early to do a before & after post, but they have changed so much, and sometimes I even forget how far they have come. I think this is a good reminder for me and a fun look at how different a child can be once they become part of a family.


Sasha was completely non-verbal. The nannies told us, "he understands everything we say to him, but he never says anything". They referred to him as a "picky eater". He would often refuse meals at the orphanage. He didn't fully understand how to play. He knew what toys were, but not necessarily how to play with them for their intended use, and he certainly did not understand how to play with another person.

Sasha signs several words, but also verbalizes about 10 (mama, hi, eat, more, shoes, yum, apple, etc.). I'm pretty sure that he was born knowing English somewhere deep in his brain, because he understands almost everything we say to him. He is NOT a picky eater by any stretch of the imagination. He eats almost everything, although I do have to mix his bites of veggies with meat. The boy loves his meat! Sasha is learning to play with others. He and Luke have become good buddies. They like to hide in the pantry together. They open and close the door on themselves and laugh so hard :) He would still rather wander around the house and hide things than actually play with them. I am pretty certain this comes from the orphanage. We were witness to him being mauled by children trying to take away a photo book that we gave him. I think that he hides things so that nobody else will take them.

It's hard to describe Ana before she came home. She was in this weird sort of trance-like state. She stared off into space, and preferred activities where she did not have to do anything, and she could just zone out (swinging, going for  a walk in the stroller, etc.). Her left eye wandered...A LOT! She was unresponsive to her name (or most other things). When we first got her home she SCREAMED for food ALL. THE. TIME!!! She had no interest in playing or in toys at all unless they vibrated and she could put them on her cheek to feel the vibrations. She was not attached to anyone or anything. She was non-verbal. And she threw things constantly.

Ana is coming out of her hiding place a little more everyday. She loves to dance, jump (which she recently learned how to do), play outside, and be held. Her left eye seldom wanders. She knows and responds to her name. She has learned to wait patiently for food (although sometimes she must be really hungry, and she will cry until the food hits the table...but at least it's not screaming). She still likes vibrations (we think it's because her hearing is compromised), but not as much as before. She is starting to show a preference for us. She is still indiscriminate about who she will go to, but let's face it, momma is the one with the food, so she is starting to want me more. She is much happier in general, and much more social.


Rochelle said...

So great to see and read the "before and after" pictures/words!! Love and attention sure do make a difference!! Keep up the good work!

Elk Grove, CA

Barki's said...

pretty cool. they are precious.

Sylvia said...

Wonderful to see how far they have come. You are doing great. love it!

Inga said...

Such blessings and a major changes. Beautiful children. God Bless!

Jess said...

Great to see and read the before and afters - really inspiring how well they are doing from all the love and wonderful care they are getting from you all, their new family!

April said...

Thanks for the update. It is amazing to see how much they have changed in such a relatively short period of time.

Alyona's mama

Crystal said...

It is amazing how much Ana has changed in the short time she has been with you. I can even tell she looks thinner, of course it could be that her bangs aren't so short.
Kaylee does that same thing about going to everyone, but like Ana, I think she always comes back to me because of the food, or at least she knows I will be the one to take care of all her needs.

You are doing an amazing job at being their mommy, the pictures speak very loudly.