Saturday, March 10, 2012

I wrote my last post...and then THIS STORY showed up on the news last night.

I have been physically ill since hearing it. In case you choose not to click the link, here is the rundown. A couple chose to do prenatal testing. The testing indicated that their child, a little girl, would NOT have Down syndrome. She does. The couple sued the hospital for $7M. They won $2.9M. In the article the couple claims that this was not about making a decision to abort. It was about them "wanting to be prepared". Their claim is that a child with Down syndrome is a financial burden, and they wanted the money to cover the cost of lifetime care.

Here are just a few of the MANY problems I have with this story:

1. If this was never about aborting, then how were the parents going to "prepare" and get the millions of dollars that they claim they will need for their daughters care?

2. I have 2 children with Down syndrome and their care has not cost us any more than our other children. In fact, because of their diagnosis they are entitled to much more free care from the government, and having a disabled child gives you tax breaks. (Not that these are reasons to have a child with a disability...just making the point that money is a lame excuse)

3. The parents go on to say that they want their daughter (who is now 4) and love her very much. I imagine you can already see the problems in this statement, so I won't even add in my 2 cents.

In my experience as a parent, if you loved your child, really truly loved your child, you would be so happy to have that sweet little girl in your arms that it wouldn't matter what doctors said or didn't say. You would be on your knees thanking God for what He has so richly blessed you with. Let's be real, that precious life would not be here if that test had said otherwise. I think those parents should be paying the hospital $2.9M for the blessing of having that little girl with them today.

I know this post may come across as judgmental, and I am sorry for that. I have been praying and asking God to change my heart toward these people, but in truth this is the sort of thing that makes me sad to live in this place and in this time. It is the sort of thing that makes me angry at the godless society we have become. It makes me seek the Lord's forgiveness for our whole country as we decline morally. It terrifies me for the world that my children will grow up in. And it brings me to my knees in pain for all of the children who are seen as "worthless".

We can shake our finger at other countries who place children with Down syndrome in mental institutions, but are we really that far removed from that? We say things like, "well, in that country they consider these children to be throw-aways". WHAT DO YOU THINK WE HAVE DONE WITH PRENATAL TESTING?????? We have figured a way to decide which children are our "throw-aways" and get rid of them before they ever see the light of day.

Excuse my passion. And God please help us!!!


Melina said...

Hey Linds,
I actually seen this story a few days ago and meant to send it to you. In this article it mentions how had they known that there was a chromosomal abnormality they would have aborted the pregnancy.

Lindsay said...

The story on the news mentioned that they would have aborted, but in print on the news site it says it wasn't about abortion. My guess is that they were outed and finally had to tell the truth.

Katie said...

I have had four kids and never chose to do Prenatal testing for genetic disorders with any of them. 99% of those tests are false positives anyway. That was besides the point. I wanted to tell you that there is a good article in this months Ladies Home Journal about a little girl with DS. It made me want to cry when I read it. You should check it out. Here is the link.

-jscott. said...


crazy. just crazy.