Sunday, August 8, 2010

I recently read a blog where an accomplished mother of 5 used the character Heathcliff from the classic British novel Wuthering Heights to draw paralells to real life. I thought this was a novel idea (yes, pun intended...haha). Anyway, I thought I would share some life lessons from a recent book that I have read. 

In The Very Hungry Caterpillar the main character (yes, this would be the very hungry caterpillar) ... okay, just kidding :)


So much has happened since I posted last. I will try to do this speedily.

We had an awesome visit from Nana, Papa, and Cousin Lynnen, but mommy was too concerned with what we were going to do and where we were going to eat to pull the camera out - WAY TO GO, MOM! Maybe I can make up for this when we head to Michigan in a few weeks.

Trey decided to start riding his big boy bike (a little incentive from Grandma didn't hurt). He has had it since Christmas, but refused to ride it. All of the sudden one day I was outside watering plants, and Trey ran up to me (from in the garage) and said, "Mommy, I can ride my orange bike now". I learned the following day that Grandma had told him on the phone that she bought him an airplane to put on his handlebars. 

Trey also has a new fascination with Skype. He wants to Skype Grandma EVERY DAY!!! He wants to Skype Nana too, but she doesn't have a webcam, so he settles for talking to her on the phone EVERY DAY!!! 

Grandma bought a new toy for Trey (an airport set). She is going to give it to him when we go to MI. So Trey told her, "I want to get you a special treat for buying me that". She said, "thank you, but I'm on a diet. I'm trying to eat healthy". His response: "vegetables are a good treat". So he begged me to buy her a "treat" at the store.

Grandma's special treat!

Being a good big brother and reading to Lukey

Lukey is turning into a little boy more every day. He says a lot! In fact, the other day we ran some errands. I said, "come on out of the car Trey-beans" (we have all kinds of silly nicknames for our kids - especially Trey). Luke looked at him and said, "Beans!" We finished out errands, came home, had lunch, and Luke went down for his nap. When he woke up, he looked at Trey and said, "Beans!" It has officially stuck.

Luke has also had a few potty successes. He poo-pooed twice in the potty. The first time he thought it was hysterical. He laughed so hard (is this a boy thing?). Of course, he hasn't done it in about a week. 

One of his favorite things to do is hide. He is REALLY good at it too. He can do it for long periods of time, and he is quiet. He hides in his closet, behind curtains, under blankets, in the pantry, wherever he decides. 

He also loves the vacuum. We have to keep about 3 doors between him and the vacuum. He has a pretend one that he likes too, but tantrums ensue over the real one. 

We also had a dr. appointment recently. Trey weighs a whopping 31 lbs (this is the 5th percentile)!!! He is in about the 25th to 50th percentile for height. Luke is also in the 5th percentile for weight, but the 75th for height. 


Melissa said...

you are right, Luke is looking a lot older. I like the long blond hair. So potty training huh? We are going to start in about a month or so. Any advice?

Thomas said...

How did Grandma like her treat?? Thomas loves the vaccuum too, I have to keep it locked in the bathroom.