Monday, March 30, 2009

Best Buds

Trey has said and done some super cute things lately, but I think my favorite was when he leaned over and hugged Luke and said to me, "Mommy, this is my best buddy". He has become a fabulous big brother. One day when I was getting ready to vacuum he said to me, "mommy, you vacuum and I'll watch baby Luke". I said okay, and when I went back into Luke's room to check on them after only a few minutes, and this is what I found:

Trey said, "baby Luke is playing with the truck and I'm playing with this!" 

We have had lots of fun recently, which is why I haven't been posting. Here is some of what we have been up to...

Luke is getting bigger. Here he is in his sling at 3 months.

Trey and Brandon at Playhouse Disney Live. We went for Brandon's birthday. It was a mommy-and boys only date. The boys loved seeing their favorite characters, but you would have never known it by the looks on their faces. Both of them sat, unblinking with straight faces until the end. By the time we got home though Trey was begging to go back and see Mickey Mouse again tomorrow.

Face to face with a tiger at the Henry Vilas Zoo in Madison, WI

Trey getting a back rub from great-grandma Molitor. She is nearly 97, still lives alone, and is still more worried about serving others--AMAZING!!! We could all learn a lesson from her.

Trey rolling Grandpa up like a taco. While visiting Grandma Molitor in Wisconsin, Trey slept in the living room floor with my dad on this little foam mat. I told him that when we were kids, my siblings and I used to roll each other up in it. My mom offered to let him roll her up, but he thought it would be more fun to make a taco out of Grandpa. My dad was a good sport :)


carlyn said...

that first picture is just precious!! i am so glad we got to hang out today.

Rachel said...

Trey is getting so big. I hope Alex will take as good care of his little sister as Trey takes of Luke:) I can't believe how much Brandon has grown too. Say hey to the girls for me!