Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Life is getting crazy! It is wednesday, December 3rd, and I had a doctor's appointment today. Luke has dropped and I am progressing (which could mean absolutely nothing, but it still feels good to know that the discomfort that I have been feeling is actually doing some good). Before bed last night, Gary and I just sat and talked about how anxious we are to meet Luke and see what he is going to look like. With Trey we had an idea thanks to a 3-D ultrasound we had done. We haven't seen Luke since the 17 week mark, and I'm curious to know how different he will be from Trey. Although, even with the 3-D ultrasound I was certainly not expecting the tan little blond haired surfer-looking boy that we got. 

After a tiring Thanksgiving weekend, we have put our house up for sale. We spent all four days that we had together running around like mad people getting our house ready to go on the market. The tuesday before Thanksgiving Gary sat down with his boss and asked about the possibility of moving to Colorado and working from a home office. Without much hesitation his boss agreed, and here we are. Colorado has been in our sights for some time now as a place we would like to settle. Trey is an outdoor enthusiast, and we want to nurture that. It's hard down here though; with something constantly blooming his allergies and in turn asthma make it so that we really have to restrict his time outdoors. Plus, giving him daily medication and breathing treatments is no fun either.

I had put our Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving while Gary was on a trip, but once we put the house up for sale everything came down. So Christmas has come and gone in our house in just a few short weeks. We kept a mini Christmas tree in Trey's room because he loves Christmas trees so much. He got to see Santa yesterday at school. His teacher said that he sat in Santa's lap long enough for them to snap a picture, but he seemed uncertain the entire time. She said that once they had taken his picture he wanted down immediately. 

He cracks me up though. Even though Santa scares him, he is still enthralled by him (much like a zillion other things). All he talked about yesterday was Santa. He kept asking where he went. About three months ago at his friend Conner's birthday party, they had a man dressed up as the Chick-fil-a cow for the kids to get pictures with (the party was at Chick-fil-a in case you wondered). Trey was TERRIFIED. He clung to me and cried. He didn't even want to leave because we would have to walk past the cow to get out the door. But, all that I have heard for the past 3 months is about the "big cow". Trey wants to know, "Where'd big cow go?" Sometimes he answers for himself that "big cow go to work", and sometimes "big cow at chick -ah-a (chick-fil-a)". I'm sure we will be hearing about Santa long after Christmas has come and gone as well.

Hopefully the next post you read will contain pictures of our precious baby Luke. God bless!!!!

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