Friday, December 2, 2011

The beach!

Thanking God for a wonderful day. Yesterday we decided to take a drive to the Oregon coast for the first time. We live just over an hour from Canon beach, so we decided to take a day trip. The kids LOVED the coast (as evidenced by the pictures). The town was so quaint and cute. We stayed for lunch, stopped in a local candy store, and then took the kids to look around Gepetto's toy shop before heading back. The drive took us through the mountains, where we experienced breathtaking beauty. After getting home, we took the kids for a nighttime walk. We bundled everyone up and walked through our subdivision looking at all the Christmas lights. Luke exclaimed, "that was a GREAT one," after every house we saw. We headed home after about 20 minutes and warmed up with hot chocolate and marshmallows for everyone before heading to bed. These are the kind of days I never want to forget.


Nana said...

Thanking God for such a wonderful blessing of kids and grankids! I love that you are making new memories in Oregon. Those children are sure good looking;>)
Love, hugs, and kisses from Nana

carlyn said...

love!! sounds live a perfect day. miss you!

The Dodds said...

the kids have already changed so much! we miss y'all!