Thursday, April 7, 2011

Court date...major prayer requests!!!

Hello everyone,

We have a court date...April 14th at 9am (1am central time if you are wondering).

We will be fighting an uphill battle all the way. We were initially assigned a brand new judge who wanted to hear our case in JULY!!! But our awesome, and super hard working facilitator, Marina, went to the head judge and begged on her knees for us to be allowed to have a different judge. He reluctantly agreed. The judge we will have has only done one other adoption case so far, and it was a local adoption of a healthy child. He is unfamiliar with international adoption, and unfortunately buys into the mentality that special needs children are a detriment to society. He has already voiced his concern that we might be adopting Sasha and Ana simply to harvest their organs! No, I am not joking!!! We were told to expect to be in court for a long time, and warned that we will be asked many offensive questions. We must prove that we are truly "good people". Now there's a challenge!

This is all heartbreaking to hear, but worse than that, our friends the Thumanns (who arrived only 3 days after us), have been given a court date of April 29th!!! With the same judge!!! Our hearts go out to them. Being away from home is so challenging, and they are probably going to have to split up for awhile. Josh cannot miss so much work, so he will have to leave Crystal and the kids here until court.

Please be on your knees for our families. Only God can move these mountains. Our hope comes from the Lord, and we are trusting in Him.

Sarah and Jennifer, I really need to hear from you both right now. I cannot view comments posted to this, so if you have some encouragement, please e-mail us at

Bible verses, wise words from veterans, or even just e-hugs would be so appreciated right now!

God bless all of you who are lifting us and our children up to the Lord!!!

I love you all so much!


The Sanchez Family said...

Praying for you!!!!! It will all work out. Marina is amazing. Please stress that there are programs for kids and adults with them pictures of Sofia and Zoya at home with us. Explain that there are jobs for our kids when they become adults. Marina will seriously figure this out and will coach you on what to say. I just know that all will be ok...I know our judge wanted to know what people with DS do in the US since they have no knowledge or experience of their own.

Maria and Family said...

oh my. Prayers for you all that court goes smoothly. Marina is amazing and will make it all work out. You need to come home with both your babies! hugs!