Saturday, March 20, 2010

The last few weeks in pictures

Coloring for the first time...

And loving every minute of it!

Painting (notice the blue on his mouth...thank the LORD for non-toxic paints)

I swear we feed him.

Blowing on his rice to cool it down :)

Baby Ray

Making a card (he uses scissors like a pro)

If you want to know how others perceive you, get a 3 year-old. I find Trey mimicking us constantly. Gary said something silly the other day and Trey responded with, "okaaay". With intonation that said, "you're weird, dad". I KNOW that comes from me. Here are some of our recent conversations:
Mom: "Trey you have a stain on your shirt. It looks like toothpaste or something." 
Trey: (looking down at his shirt) "yeah, it is toothpaste...actually, I don't know what it is, so let's just call it toothpaste"

Let me preface these next stories by saying that we have Biblical discussions with Trey, but in an effort not to overwhelm him, we don't get too deep just yet. We want him to be excited about serving the LORD, so just like all things we offer up a small taste and wait for him to come to us wanting more. We have not discussed heaven/hell too much thus far, and he is really just starting to understand about Jesus dying for our sins.

(While playing school, Trey said it was time for a Bible story. He "read" the story to me, and like any good student I asked a question)
Mom: "Why is Jesus important? Why do we need to know about him?"
Trey: "He killed us."
Yeah...he had that wording slightly wrong!

(A separate occasion...mommy tries to discuss the importance of Easter and Jesus dying for our sins)
Mom: "Even though we are the ones who sin, Jesus took the punishment for us so that we can go to heaven and be with him and God"
Trey: (with eager anticipation) "tomorrow?"
Even though he doesn't know much about heaven it's like he knows that it is going to be wonderful. It just blessed me so much to hear that excitement in his voice. Maybe I'm making too much of it though. He might have just been excited because he thinks we are flying there on an airplane.

The words are beginning to come. The newest and most prevalent is "mow" (more). He says it whenever he wants something. He knows how to climb up on things AND get down safely for the most part (finally!). He has begun to show a big interest in books, especially those that have built in noise-makers. If you came to our house you might think we were trying to potty train him, because he constantly wants to read a potty book simply because it has a button you push to make a flushing sound. I can assure you though, I am NOT ready for the challenge of potty training him. His attention span is beginning to lengthen as he attempts shape sorters and puzzles. He loves to run, and boy is he fast!!! We have been spending time up at the tennis courts and the playground in our community lately, and Luke's favorite pastime is to stare longingly at the pool. Look out summer, Luke is ready...but, is mommy?

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