Friday, November 21, 2008

Nearly 35 weeks!

Hey all,

We have almost made it to the 35 week mark as we await Luke's arrival. I posted some pics for you all to see my big belly (luckily, this time that is where I managed to keep most of my weight). We are all doing fine here. I am getting a bit uncomfortable, but that's to be expected right? 

Trey is adorable as ever. He has started randomly coming up to me ad hugging me and saying, "I love you, mommy" (the sweetest words a mom could ever hear). He has also developed this strange accent. He draws out his "o"s and turns some of his "a"s into "o"s. So, he now says, "poork (park), coor (car), and hoorse (horse)". It's cute and funny, but I wonder where he got it from. He has also given up on naps, which I guess is okay by me. We still have "rest time" for 2 hours every day where he is required to stay in his room and play quietly by himself. Occasionally he will fall asleep, but that is rare. Amazingly, he seems more cranky on the days when he naps-sort of odd for a 2 year old.

Gary is done with his travel for the remainder of the year - thank you, God!!! We are just focusing on spending time together as a family before Luke comes and our family dynamic changes. We hope you all enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving! -The Haglers

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